Tuesday, 22-05-2018

10 am – Surgeon appointment. By this time, I already knew what I have and how things stand. I am being told to expect a full mastectomy on the left and with the possibility of reconstruction at the same time or later if desired. He calls a few ‘mates’ in the hospital and half an hour later I am waiting to go into the radiology department for a biopsy. Next time I see him it will be for the biopsy results. Agreed he will be my official gynaecologist from now and next time he will put a coil in, so I can be off the pill.

Biopsy went ok, local anaesthetic, big needle-like tool very thick that goes in 6-7 times and takes a few samples of affected tissue. By the time I got out the effect of the anaesthetic was going so it felt quite sore. Nothing compared to the fact that I had to go bra-less for the rest of the day. Pain continued for a few days after. I am not to shower for a couple of days. This is the moment when it is useful to have some dressings and plasters like they used for the biopsy would, just to replace and see if all is ok.

At this point I had taken out the wires from some of the most comfortable bras I have. The biopsy wound wouldn’t let me wear underwired and from now on I guess I will be living in sports bras type of thing.

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